viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016


Erna Loraine Narcisso Watters

Mrs. Erna Loraine Narcisso Walters, Nació el 28 de septiembre de 1942 en la ciudad de Bluefields, Nicaragüa, Sus padres son: Winfield Narcisso y Charlotte Watters. Mrs. Erna se identifica con la etnia creole. Ella es integrante activa de la iglesia Revival Tabernacle, donde es líder del coro en su iglesia.

Realizó sus estudios de primaria y secundaria en el Colegio Moravo. Estudió magisterio en el Instituto 08 de Septiembre en Waspam. Comienza a escribir poemas para las diferentes actividades religiosas de su Iglesia. Los niños aprendían de memoria estos poemas y los recitaban durante las festividades religiosas.

El nombre de su primer poema fue: “Old School Days”. Mrs. Erna, manifiesta que ha habido varias personas que la motivaron a continuar escribiendo. Algunas de ellas fueron: Ronald Brooks y su hija
Lilliette Anisal. Actualmente Mrs. Erna tiene alrededor de 140 poemas y su esperanza es publicar su primer poemario en un futuro no muy lejano.

Además de escribir poemas le gusta leer, cantar, y viajar.
Expresa además que está convirtiendo algunos de sus poemas en canciones, a través de las mismas la juventud aprenderá un poco más sobre su culturas e historias.

Escrito por: Scarlett Hodgson y Velma Morales.

Erna Narciso Walters (1942) ha sido maestra por muchos años, formó parte del personal del Programa Bilingüe Bicultural como técnica de Educación Preescolar y fue concejal del Frente Sandinista de Liberación
Nacional. Escribe en inglés, español y creole. Sus poemas fueron publicados en la Antologia Poetica De La Costa Caribe De Nicaragua. El poema “Yo soy tu respuesta” escrito en los tres idiomas, se refiere al proceso autonómico como respuesta al subdesarrollo, producto del saqueo y explotación irracional de los recursos que la región del Pacífico ha realizado de la Costa. Es un poema de denuncia que incita a luchar por una verdadera autonomía con valores de honestidad e integridad:

Al mantenerme de pie
Con una mirada fija dentro de los corazones de
personas enfadadas,
Lleno de dolor y gran pesar
Como también de resentimiento e incredulidad
Mi corazón se agobia con lágrimas de dolor
Porque me acusa de un futuro inseguro.

Sobresalen las razones: Lideres incapaces
Que no sostienen fuertemente el espacio
conquistado para mostrar mi verdadera
Y así demostrarle a mi gente
Que bien administrada por hombres y mujeres de
Podría ser respetada y anhelada por mi sufrido

Soy poderosa y fuerte.

Con la Ley 28 y vuestro apoyo incondicional,
Demostremos que esta lucha la podemos ganar
Reenfocando nuestra visión,
Soy soy tu enemiga...
Solo pido tu rectificación...

(Rossman, 2010. Págs.10-11)

Miss Erna, al igual que otras poetas, recupera el importante papel del linaje femenino en la construcción de las utopías. En el poema “We are a powerful force”, las mujeres representan una fuerza poderosa que puede transformar el mundo. Si bien su propuesta no es feminista, en medio de ese ritmo cadencioso que es la música de Bob Marley, las insta a liberarse de la esclavitud mental y enfrentar los retos sin temor y con valor. Las mujeres siempre han resistido al abuso y la discriminación, son concientes de su poder y por ello pueden enseñar a los otros que juntos representan una fuerza poderosa:

“As women, we are a powerful force,
we no doubt can change nature’s course
with our talents and gifts as we challenge life,
either as mother, grandmother, or wife.
Most of these challenges are fearful and
But can unlock, doors for others who are
Who are subject to abuse and refuse to win
Because they’re unware of their power within.
Free yourself from mental slavery
Words once said by famous Bob Marley.
Let’s prove to the world that we are the source,
And as women, we can change nature’s course”
(Rossman, 2006 bis. Pág. 83).


God`s love is so extended,
It covers all the birds that sing so sweetly in the trees.
It is so deep; it captures all the fish, in the depth of the sea.
It is so high; it reaches to the highest star,
Yet it is so low, it rescues us wherever we are.
His extended love provides, a hand to help the feeble,
and swift feet to run, to rescue the poor, the halt, and the needy.
It also provides keen ears to hear cries of sympathy, and sorrows for
others even your worst enemies, so much more your brothers.
His extended love provides a sympathetic heart for the desolate and
as you share their deepest pain, of grief and agony.
Because God’s extended love is so transparent, pure and free;
He has transplanted these valuable traits in his vessels
which are you and me.
Will we be willing to be these parts which are:
His hands, His feet, His heart, His ears,
Will we be enlisted as volunteers?
If so, some awesome day for sure,
His glorious kingdom we too we’ll share.


We all need a time to grieve
the loss of those we love and knew
to sit through previous memories
and allow our tears to flow.
Weep not for those who are at rest up in heaven, but weep for ourselves
while we struggle to re-adjust our lives
as we wake up to the reality of what has happened.
Of course things will never be the same
and each we can call by its own name;
But God gave the assurance of his everlasting love, as our shield,
and the greatest gift called TIME as our comfort
while our broken hearts He heals.
Trust Him in your darkest night,
His words declare He is your light,
He promised you to hold your hand,
renew your strength, and help you stand.
Ask for that strength in each new tomorrow
as you walk through your pain and deepest sorrow.


A -  ngie called by most of your friends,
N -  ever over looking challenges and ready to make amends.
G -  uiding the youth into ways of truth,
E -   njoying the savor of most of your fruit;
L -   iving a life which can easily be read
I -   n and out of this region sharing your bread.
C -   alled by the Master to do a great task.
A -   rise! Acknowledge your potential! He’ll give all you ask.
B -   e always brave, courageous, and true.
R -   eady to do all that’s ask of you
O -   mitting thoughts that will destroy,
W -  ords, acknowledge only what bring joy,
N -   ever doubting nor fearing; neither the enemies allow,
        he’ll destroy your health and peace of mind
        which later will be difficult for you to find. 


I Corinthians 13 draws such a beautiful picture;
Not of a man on a motor bike
But of what true love really looks like.
Love is a word that’s easily spoken
But how much of it is true,
If it’s not pure and transparent
Time will erase it from view.
True love is not a vehicle that takes us for a ride
 Nor is it an emotion that rises like the tide
But it’s a safe place of refuge
Where we can peacefully hide.
True love has a heart
That can be touched with
 Agony and pain.
 It has hands, whose labor is not in vain.
It is not easily provoked
And seek not only her own
But rejoices also when others succeed
As an overwhelming joy is shown.
Because true love is boundary free
It reaches You, and You, and Me.


A smile is costless, but productive
It refreshes the ones to whom it is given.
Although it doesn’t last for hours,
but maybe a minute.
It gives a sensation like a particle of heaven.
A smile consoles the sadden heart.
And can be compared to a perfect piece of art.
It brings hope to the hopeless.
Rest, peace and joy to the helpless.
It sweetens the life of those who receive it,
And serves as a symbol, or tie of true friendship.
A smile is like a natural antidote for the afflicted;
meanwhile it’s an insult for the haunted and the wicked.
Since afflictions go beyond the surface of the skin,
a smile refreshes the inner man within.
Don’t be among those who need therapy to smile
be like a happy energetic child.
Smile! you aren’t too poor you cannot give it,
neither too rich that you do not need it.


Tell me about those good old days
when there were railroads, sawmills and ways,
when there were jobs to pick and to choose,
where everyone gained no one lose.
Tell me about your days of fun
those healthy days when you played in the sun,
in the rain and in the cold.
in those pleasant days of old.
Tell me about some clothes that was worn
made of flour sack, crokas and more,
but they were worn with dignity and pride.
leaving shame and envy aside.
Tell me about the food you ate,
that were so cheap and easy to get,
you could buy with shilling and dimes
without any need to get in line.
Although your schools were only a few,
your teachers knew just what to do
your learning was no doubt extense,
this you proved with much excellence
while you highlighted that royal star reader
as the most outstanding leader.
Today I truly beg of you,
even though you might be few,
share with us memories of those good old days
of your values, customs and ways,
so that we can pass them on,
now, and long after you are gone.


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