lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

JASON SCHNEIDERMAN [14.156] Poeta de Estados Unidos

Jason Schneiderman 

(nacido en 1976) es un poeta americano.
Se graduó de la Universidad de Maryland, y NYU con un MFA. Fue profesor en el Hunter College, y en la Universidad de Hofstra.
Su trabajo ha aparecido en América Poetry Review, Bloom, Corte Verde, Grand Street, Rattapallax, Tin House y Virginia Quarterly Review . 

Vive en la ciudad de Nueva York con su pareja, Michael Broder. 


The Fine Arts Work Center Fellowships
Bread Loaf Writers' Conference Fellowships
Yaddo Fellowships
2004 Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award


"Charlie Brown in a Well"; "A Story about Nutrition"; "Hydration", La Petite Zine
"Oracular", Starting Today: Poems for the First 100 Days
"Fertile: Sterile:: My Father: Me", American Poetry Review
"Jokes About Nuns", American Poetry Review
"Buffy's Sestina", McSweeney's
"The Other Side", Prairie Schooner , Winter 2008
"Sublimation Point", Poetry foundation
"Elegy for Lee", 42 Opus
Sublimation Point . Four Way Books. 2004. ISBN 978-1-884800-61-0 .
Striking Surface . Ashland Poetry Press. 2010. ISBN 0-912592-70-2 .


es sorprendente cómo la muerte
está siempre a la vuelta de la esquina,
o ni siquiera tan lejos
como eso, escondida en esos pequeños placeres
por los que algunos de nosotros llegaríamos
tan lejos como para decir
que son los únicos
que nos mantienen vivos


Sublimation Point

for M.B.

The answer is entropy—how smell works—
little bits of everything—always spinning
off from where they were—flying off at random   
into the world—which is to say into air.

There are other ways of solid to gas—
they’re substance specific, like iodine,   
or dry ice—how I felt when I saw you—
straight to a new state without passing   
through expected ones—as though enough   
of me left at the moment you appeared that   
I could never be whole without you—apply   
heat—I turn straight into ether.

“Sublimation Point” from Sublimation Point

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