viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

EMILY SIPIORA [15.092] Poeta de Estados Unidos

Emily Sipiora 

Escritora de Rockford, Illinois, EE.UU. citada por la revista Forbes como la tercera ciudad más miserable del mundo; ella cree que contribuye en una cantidad excesiva de esa estadística. 

Emily publicó un librito titulado Grown Ass Men I Have Loved in 2013. Su trabajo ha sido presentado en Medium, Electric Cereal, and Thought Catalog. Disfruta de Twitter, que se toma muy en serio. La escritura de Emily ha sido descrita por The Le Sigh como "asombrosa", "preciosa", y "aterradora". Ella se sonrojó cuando leyó esto.

Los poemas seleccionados aparecieron originalmente en la web Electric Cereal.
La traducción es de José María Martínez

Clarice Starling / Lolita

Me creía Audrey Horne de Twin Peaks
cuando hacía un rollo con la cintura elástica de la falda, una y otra vez o                             cuando solté un billete de veinte arrugado por unos tacones pasados de moda.
Me creía Angela Hayes de American Beauty
cuando robé mi primera barra de MAC’S Russian Red
o cuando me rayé las lentillas con el rizador de pestañas.
Me creía Harley Quinn de Detective Comics
cuando me justificaba al atender sus caprichos
y lloraba cuando ellos no atendían los míos.
Me creía Tracy Flick de Election
cuando comencé a obtener la atención que creía que quería
y se la arrojaba directamente a la cara.
Y me creía Hayley Stark de Hard Candy
cuando fingía ser tímida, y luego fingía ser agresiva.
En realidad, me volví pasiva.
Me digo que no soy ni una conquista o un hobby
ni una respuesta a su maldad absoluta.
Sin embargo, es así.
“No puedo salir”, dijo Clarice Starling,
mirad qué maraña de espinas.
“No puedo salir”, dijo Clarice Starling,
mirada qué maraña de espinas.

No volverá a ser como octubre otra vez

“¿O sea que vosotros dos nunca salisteis juntos?”, le pregunté, asomando las manos por fuera de la ventanilla del coche e introduciendo los dedos
en el sitio en que se ocultan las ventanillas
dentro de las puertas del coche.
"¡Qué dices! Claro que no,” me respondió,
los faros de los coches de la I-90
proyectandose en su cara por unos intantes que pasaron como eternidades mientras
esperaba una explicación
que nunca llegó.

Y así como los coches que desaparecían unos dentro de los otros
una y otra vez
los días se fueron cruzando (¿fue un jueves o un domingo?) y a través de las horas
en que nos vimos, nos distanciamos
y a través de los años que comenzaron a caer,
muertos los días a nuestros pies,
tomamos la decisión de no hablar

Una disculpa para las ranas que masacré involuntariamente
El verano ya hace meses que acabó
pero yo sigo sin poder dormir hasta las 4 de la mañana
y no encuentro mis calcetines

Así que cuando salgo al buzón en busca
de paquetes que nunca llegan (gracias, Amazon)
la piel bajo mis pies barre la escarcha
que hay sobre la hierba marchita
y cuando entro, con las manos vacías,
dejo manchas húmedas en la moqueta
Qué diferente del verano que pasé con el mundo bajo mis pies desnudos
y el cajero del Walgreen’s me miró mal
cuando le dije: “Me olvidé de los zapatos”

Cuando era pequeña, mi madre me hacía lavar los pies
después de jugar con la tierra en el chalet de la abuela que lleva dos años en venta
Me gustaba ver las arañas trepar por mis pies enterrados
y cazar las ranas que vivían debajo del bote a pedales

Al hacerme mayor me dejó de gustar
y la única razón para acercarme a la orilla del lago fue pillar cobertura
en el móvil en un sitio más alto
Comencé a odiar la casa del lago porque no tenía wifi
Comencé a odiar la casa del lago porque mi iPhone no tenía señal
Comencé a odiar la casa del lago porque profané la casa de las ranas para cazarlas
y que murieran en cajas de plástico que compré en los saldos de la tienda de mascotas
Mi padre me dijo: “Este año te vienes a la casa del lago con nosotros, Emily”

Me provoqué el vómito para no tener que ir, porque el verano hace meses
que acabó


I stumbled onto the filthiest parts of this city
and I lied to my mother, and I stole from my father
and your family- your gallery, misfits, strung together
by bottles of Pinot noir (I liked the taste)
and a lack of discretion (I’ve been such a waste)
to me, being much more

It was a humble beginning
Rockford born and raised
I spent myself foolishly
instead of counting your days

My mother gave up on him:
“When did he fall apart?”
My aunt turned away
“You’ve always been smart.”

You gave breaks to wander, I blew smoke
I feel awful- you were the one who choked
Another girl foolish, your family soon shocked
a death too quiet,
a life quickly stopped

I know that I’ve told you
I’m sorry it wasn’t me
but it’s been three months
still, I think we’d agree—
If art is art, something taken to heart
its life cannot be wasted
and you should know you’re apart

(from all of this,
the filthy alley beside here
and the homeless beneath the bridge
this is too sentimental
and unhealthy, a smidge)

I’ve never thought of heaven, but for someone like you?
If you’re there, maybe I’ve really ought to

Animus Finch

My father told me to go to the DMV–
“I can’t drive you around anymore.
You need to grow up
& take some responsibility
for yourself.”
I can’t drive, or won’t
Any responsibility is terrifying
ask any lover of mine–
“Emily never blames herself
everything is everyone else’s fault.”
I wouldn’t even give my ex-girlfriend
the gas money she deserved.
“Isn’t my love enough?” I shouted,
as she swung around the cul-de-sac
and abandoned me so quickly
that it should’ve been a warning.
My father works every day
In and out of retail, wasting forever
a boring job, since the age of 22
All day and night, a way of saying:
“I didn’t really want you.
I never have rides to parties
but don’t worry– I can walk
I don’t want the responsibility
of veering off and getting into
the car crash that I deserve
I’ll wait until someone else gets drunk enough
to ruin me, and then maybe you will care.
I noticed you, my only friend
of course, I take you with me
wherever I go, wherever she drives
I’ll take each piece of you
the worst parts that you left
to me, absolutely bereft.
I never thought that someone could deserve death
but when she sped off of the street I lived on
escaping each “I love you” and “this isn’t goodbye”
I felt this feeling of disgusting, one-sided loving
that lonely feeling in my chest was unbearable
I began to think that I could deserve it.
I have never had a worthy shadow until I met yours.
The reflection of your smirk on the car window–
“I know something you don’t and I won’t ever tell you.”
but you left, and took all of my love with you.


For Cyril
If anyone bothers to ask, I want you to know
I was afraid, at first: nervous, all doubts
Intimidated, infatuated, with the moribund professor
every cautious action to please, from here on out
crying, a tiny voice inside of your phone
absolutely the last thing you could care about
I look for you everywhere
but I don’t think you’ve been looking for me:
every kind look, every helping hand
my affection could not withstand
from this cold shoulder
the cruelest gesture
always turned away
I discovered the price for this affection:
this hell existed only for me to pay.
I think about you everywhere
but I don’t think you’ve thought about me:
at least, not now
I’m barely a memory
that sulks at the back of your head
whining incessantly
moping, such dread
yet, you lack remorse
over and over, with your trite discourse
I ask this of you, my half-hearted misanthropist
have I ever meant anything to you,
have I ever been more than this?
The cynical comic, the cruelest lover
forever so far away from here
You remained yielding, so discreet (with me)
always so desperate in your petty scene
you threw your heavy rocks
right through this house, you mocked:
"Men with hearts made of granite
have no business with paper dolls”—
you left no guilt, no shame
no explanation as to why you threw me away
was I ever anything more than an easy lay to you?
too young, too dull, too foolish to teach anew?
So here lies your despair, that you so graciously bereft
I don’t know if I miss you anymore
but I know you won’t miss this loathing you left
I bore this mistake in loving you,
and this is the only revelation I had:
You were egocentric, in spades
for my cruelest lover— adieu


I’ve read every tawdry tribute,
each composed ballad of despair
You left a lonely lore for everyone
of your deterministic affair.
I’d like to consider myself apart
from everyone that buys this act
despite everything they’ve mentioned
I never believed you cracked
If you reached the worst of yourself
with this passive drive of not to be
It leaves this drama up to interpretation
and I don’t know what it is to me.
I’ve realized that you’re correct now
regardless of the closeness we lack
I feel like I know your secret now:
it’s less painful to go to black.
That constant transition you mention
this kind moment, falling back
Each time, I descend downwards
an eternal return to what I lack.
With each time you pass, I grow closer to you every day
Not a portrait any more, just a mirror for me to display
I immerse myself in you, each loose end left to rot
If anybody asks, I will take whatever it is he’s got.
With each of these portraits, I grow more betrayed
Each story sheds new light, new tears –
I ask, why are we this way?
As time passed, I grew
failing to appease you
I wish I would’ve stood still there
to stop the thing that freed you.
These people all paint portraits of you,
composing stories to meet their needs
and it breaks my heart every day
when this means that you still bleed.
For this, I have no greater morals
I have no tidied twelve step advice
if there were already two chest wounds–
well, you’ve already hurt me thrice.


Uncanny Hall
I saw a shitty, indulgent portrait
on this television, on indie cable
It’s classic, the bildungsroman—
every 20 year old’s fable
Play it backwards, and you’ll see
every vapid, dime a dozen fool
that doesn’t care for me
They treat me as an asset,
a gift in myself and thereof
with something darker, not love
any integrity, it’s devoid of
I serve as an extension to your ego
because I know your life is so hard
I let you shush me and own me
because I let down my guard
Your affection is flimsy, a fictional feat
I wondered why you had been so discreet.
Abuse of power comes of no surprise
but I’ve only realized that it is wrong
now I can say for a fact that I loathe your pathetic swan song.
You have it the worst, obviously
The modern Casanova in spades
sensitive, but opinionated
revered for getting laid.
this is filthy, immoral– but it pales to your despair
it remains vapid and trite, to other stories I compare
but you’ve made your mess
and you’ve made your money
but you’ve left me in pieces
but you believe this is funny
so I will heal each wound just to spite you
and you can’t stop me from getting better
I believe in a hell for people like you
because this abuse should not be a scarlet letter.

Ian Curtis

I have felt stuffy, stale, dull
and I feel myself rotting
I’ll complain, again
about how I will miss out on all of my friend’s lives and how I will never see anyone again

I will have said too many goodbyes
and told too many people
a terrible excuse:
“I’m sorry that I can’t go to homecoming with you,
I have to find another resident for the vacancy inside of me”

and as my actions elude my own reasoning,
I’ll give more one-sided apologies

and when I get home, I’ll be at the kitchen stool

I was the only one home

the house is vacant

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