viernes, 17 de junio de 2011


2006 “Anti-closural Modes of Postmodern Poetics: Is There Closure to Closure?” International Journal of the Humanities.

2000. “On Polish translation of ‘Mevagissey Bakery’,” Przekladaniec (Journal of Literary Translation), 7.

1998. “On Polish translation of ‘This Dead Relationship’,” Przekladaniec, 4.

1998. “On Polish translation of Christopher Reid’s ‘Dear Diary’,” Przekladaniec, 4.

1997. “On English translation of Marcin Swietlicki’s ‘Apocrypha’,” Przekladaniec, 3.

1997. “Container Metaphors in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry,” Przekladaniec, 3.

1996. “W poszukiwaniu straconych metafor. Polskie przeklady sonetu 31” [“In Search of Lost Metaphors. The Polish Translations of Sonnet 31”], Przekladaniec, 2.

Other Scholarly Contributions

2008. Article on A. R. Ammons. Literary Encyclopedia

Contributions to Emily Dickinson Lexicon, ed. Cynthia L. Hallen. Westport, CT: Greenwood.



Sopilki (book of poems in Polish), FRAZA. Forthcoming 2009

2003. Furkot. The Library Series of Studium, Kraków, Poland.

Poems in Anthologies:

Forthcoming. Daj Slowo: Antologia Poezji I Opowiadan [Give Word. Anthology of Poetry and Short Stories], Media Rodzina.

Poems in Journals, Magazines and Newspapers:

2009. Colorado Review

2009. Squaw Valley Review

2009, Okolica Nowych Poetow, Poland

2009, Tekstualia, Poland

2009. Forthcoming in Hot Metal Bridge

2009. Forthcoming in Poetry Wales, Great Britain

2008. Six poems in Odra, Poland

2008. In Lana Turner ed. Calvin Bedient

2008. Critiphoria

2008. 3 poems in Studium, Poland

2008. 3 poems in Process

2007. “Strata,” Poet’s Sampler. Boston Review

2007. “Annunciation VIII,” Rhino

2007. “Topology Must Triumph Over No Place,” Canary, 8

2006. “Water has Memory,” from A Life, in American Letters and Commentary, 18

2006. “Death Most Reveals Itself,” “Pentecost 1” [from A Life], Mandorla, 9

2006. Online Literary News, Poland (joined on March 14th, 2006).

2006. “Annunciation XXXIII” and “Would Fire be so gentle,” Entelechy 7
[online magazine]

2006. “Gruchanie” in Monitor, 152, Chicago

2005-6. “Dybuk” [Dybbuk], in Studium, 6 (2005) and 1 (2006).
Untitled (Chcialabym zamieszkac w drzewie..) [I would like to inhabit a tree...].
Untitled (Zawsze bedziesz nosic ten dzien w sobie...) [You will always carry that day in you...].
Untitled (Wbrew nakazom rodzicow..) [Against my parents' orders...].

2006. A Life (selections), in Xcp: Cross Cultural Poetics, Streetnotes.

2005. A Life (selections) in Pebble Lake Review, 3:1.

2005. “Annunciation VII Simone Martini,” in Il Giornale, (Genoa, Italy), November 27, 2005.

2005. “Bieslan,” Zeszyty Literackie, 91 (Warsaw and Paris).

2005. “States Forecast,” two “Dear Owl” poems, L’Bourgeoizine, 9.

2004. “Ai Reflessi Di Luce Sugli Altari” (seven poems), ClanDestino, 2 (Bologna, Italy).

2004. “Destiny,” “It’s been a while since,” and “The Archangel Gabriel,” Spoon River Poetry Review, 29:2.

2004. “Kasprowy Skrzy sie” [“Kasprowy Shimmers”], Kalendarz Narciarski 2004 [Skiing Calendar 2004], Polski Zwiazek Narciarski [Polish Skiing Association].

1997. “L’ecole de Platon, Jean Delville” [“The School of Plato, Jean Delville”] and three untitled poems, Topos, 5 & 6.

1997. “The Missing All,” “Georges Seurat. Trois Etudes Pour Poseuses,” and one untitled poem, Pracownia, 19.

1996. “Notre Dame,” “Nos Pinokia” [“Pinocchio’s Nose”], and three untitled poems, Studium, 4.

1994. “Covenant” (prose poem in English), Yes, 1.


1999/2000.“Swiatlo, gdzies, sie tli” [“The light, somewhere, smolders”], review of Tomasz Hrynacz volume of poetry: ‘Partycje,’ Studium, 6.

1998. “Czym skóra za mlodu nasiaknie...” Review of P. Pawlak volume of poetry: ‘ciemne skóry owoców’, Studium, 11/12.

Interviews with Ewa Chrusciel:

2006. Polish Radio. Interview with Ewa Chrusciel and Urszula Lukaszuk. Idalia Blaszczyk. January 24, 2006. Chicago.

2006. “Spotkanie Z Tajemnica” [“Encounter with Mystery”]. Interview with Ewa Chrusciel. Danuta Peszynska. Monitor, 152, Chicago.

Reviews of Ewa Chrusciel’s book, Furkot:

2003. Szczepan-Wojnarowska, A. M. “Upic Przenaczenia” [“To Inebriate Destiny”], Topos, 1-3.

2003. Grzesczak, Marian, “Kiosk” (58), Twórczosc, 6.

2003. Baran, Józef, Dziennik Polski [Polish Daily], July 21, 2003.

2003. Zaworska, Helena, “Tajemniczy Dzwiek” [“Mysterious Sound”], Polityka [Politics, national daily newspaper], July 9, 2003.

2003. Nowakowska, Ewa Elzbieta, “Rozjuszanie Tajemnicy,” Tygiel Kultury, 6.

Dondequiera que voy
das paso al brillo
de la luz

de repente
un resplandor el roce de la verdad el recuerdo
de que pertenezco

a la luz
a los reflejos
de las vidrieras

Dondequiera que estoy
das paso a la luz
demasiado poca

he dejado de acumular pruebas de tu existencia

De Revoloteo


El papel sigue cortando mi piel
y después olvido eso una vez más y lo agarro
como un niño
curioso de su olor y de sus usos.

De Revoloteo

Hoy todo me ha producido una gran alegría
la compra de requesón y su sabor
el abotonarme y desabotonarme los botones
la suela despegada del zapato.
y tu ausencia.

De Revoloteo


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