Halima Khudoyberdieva
Halima Xudoyberdiyeva (cirílico, también romanizado como Halima Khudoiberdieva o Hudoyberdieva) (nacida el 17 de mayo 1947) es una célebre poeta cuyos temas en diferentes momentos de su carrera se han ocupado de nacionalidad uzbeka y la historia, los movimientos de liberación y el feminismo. Ha sido galardonada con el título de Poeta del Pueblo de Uzbekistán.
Sobresaliente poeta nacional de Uzbekistán. Escribió muchos libros de poesía. Durante largo tiempo trabajó para la Asociación de Mujeres de Uzbekistán y varios comités editoriales. Sus poemas han sido traducidos a varios idiomas, incluyendo ruso e inglés.
Halima nació el 17 de mayo de 1947 en Taraqqiyot granja colectiva en Boyovut, Provincia Surxondaryo, Uzbekistán.
En 1972 se graduó de la Universidad Estatal de Tashkent Facultad de Periodismo. Su primer empleo fue como editora en Saodat revista. En 1975-1977 realizó estudios de postgrado avanzados en el Instituto de Literatura Máximo Gorki en Moscú. Se convirtió en responsable de la Gvardiya Yosh departamento de publicaciones en 1978. De 1984 a 1994 fue editora en jefe de Saodat. Fue la primera presidente de la Comisión de Mujeres de Uzbekistán entre 1991 y 1994.
Ilk Muhabbat (Primer amor), 1972
Oq Olmalar (Manzanas blancas), 1973
Chaman (Flower Garden), 1974
Suyanch Tog'larim (Mis Montañas de apoyo), 1976
Beliye Yabloki (traducción al ruso de Oq Olmalar), 1977
Bobo Quyosh (Abuelo Sol), 1977
Muqaddas Ayol (Mujer Sagrada), 1987
Bu Kunlarga Yetganlar Bor (aquellos que han alcanzado en estos días), 1993
To'marisning Aytgani (Los Dichos de Tomyris ), 1996
Si yo me abriera
Como un cuenco, si me abriera,
Búscame, busca el temblor en lo hondo del corazón
Si mis versos se desvanecen como flores
Búscame en la pena del otoño.
Si piensas que el planeta es estrecho,
El mundo es ancho,
Soy una hoja y te ruego
No arrancarme.
Considérame un aprendiz, muestra
Al tomarme
Respeto por un discípulo de Yassaviy,
A quien sigo.
Si me voy con el Sol
En la riqueza, en la eminencia,
Búscame en
La piedad, las bendiciones de Allah, y…
Si alguna vez no me encuentras
Si alguna vez desaparezco
Búscame entonces
En la imperecedera tierra del Turkistán.
Traducción del uzbeko al inglés: Aazam Abidov
Traducción del inglés al castellano: Omar Pérez
If I widen
Like a bowl if I widen,
Look for me, seek from the shivers of heart’s bottom
If my verses like a flower become faded
Look for me then in the sorrow of the autumn.
If you think that planet’s narrow,
World is broad,
I am a leaf and kindly ask you
Not to pick off.
Reckon as a learner, esteem -
When you hold,
Respect as Yassaviy’s pupil,
Whom I follow.
If I go with the Sun
In wealth, in eminence,
Look for me in
Mercy, blessings of Allah, and:
Once:you won’t find me
When I once: evanesce
Look for me then
From the lasting Turkistan land.
As your mother, along with you
Take away it
As your baby do not let it
Go in advance
Share this world only with this,
Be delighted
Be in keeping, take its hands firm
Hold them at once.
World – imperfect,
Days of Allah
Are so distinct
One day you will have sufferings
And other – fun
Motherless and childless lightly
You can subsist
But to live without freedom
Never can one!
I am not able to know. Is this world wisdom or gold,
I wished revealing all the magic, every time but was surprised,
They see my palace in detail, and a special room I hold,
No friend I find to see my heart, and for care to arise.
A thought has settled in my soul, like a bodkin and a shot,
I ask you: never fall, because:a fallen man has no support.
Jackdaws move away from you, even gardens step aside,
Thank you for your cultivation, do you like them take offense?
The mounts that you lifted up are able calmly leave behind,
Come near, but be not distressed if a stone won’t confess.
Having tired, if you wish to lean, no garden, almond – spoilt,
I ask you: never fall, because a fallen man has no support!
If you have not only taking but a good aid-giving friend,
Stand up straight yourself that every pillar in the world will fall.
Even if you have a friend that’s going up to grave – till end,
Go yourself to death and never on the way depart at all.
Live in pride!
And having mourning, act: you lucky man, in short,
I ask you: never fall, because a fallen man has no support!
Sacred Woman
Your lovers have thrown flowers at your feet,
In solitude they have tasted honey from your lips,
And they have sold it to anyone at all,
You are sacred anyway, sacred woman.
First they came to fill your embrace, and told you to shine
You did not consent, woman, though people said the opposite
Unable to reach you, they turned their faces and called you bitter
You are sacred anyway, sacred woman.
You flutter your wings slowly and you lay your head down,
It's been thousands of years, your eyes sparkle with tears,
A thousand and one criminals will hurt you with stones,
You are sacred anyway, sacred woman.
Though you come silently when summoned, though you come uselessly,
Though you come humbly to the drunken circle, though you come pleading to scoundrels,
Though you come oppressed to the scoundrels, though you come humbly,
You are sacred anyway, sacred woman.
In fact you'll have amusements where you go,
Good and bad stories where you go,
You'll have men like wild horses where you go,
You are sacred anyway, sacred woman.
Your silk perfume body has the marks of stones,
Your bosom has the traces of heads that have leaned there,
You have the remnants of suns whose sun-fire has burned out,
You are sacred anyway, sacred woman.
Translated from Uzbek by Johanna-Hypatia Cybeleia
Muqaddas Ayol
Oshiqlaring poyingga gul otib ham bo'ldi,
Xilvatlarda labingdan bol totib ham bo'ldi,
Va bu haqda kimlargadir sotib ham bo'ldi,
Sen baribir muqaddassan, muqaddas ayol.
Avval kelib, quchog'ingga to'l, balq dedilar,
Unamading ayol asli ters xalq dedilar,
Yetolmagach yuz o'girib, sho'r taxt dedilar,
Sen baribir muqaddassan, muqaddas ayol.
Talpinasan astagina va qo'yasan bosh,
Mingyillikdir ko'zlaringda jovdiragan yosh,
Gunihkorlar mingu bitta, senga tegar tosh,
Sen baribir muqaddassan, muqaddas ayol.
Chorlashganda jim kelsang-da, bekor kelsang-da,
Mast davraga xor kelsang-da nomardlarga zor kelsang-da,
Xor kelsang-da nomardlarga xor kelsang-da,
Sen baribir muqaddassan, muqaddas ayol.
Aslida bor ermaklarning borar yeri sen,
Yaxshi-yomon ertaklarning borar yeri sen,
Asov otdek erkaklarning borar yeri sen,
Sen baribir muqaddassan, muqaddas ayol.
Harir, xushbo'y badaningda toshlar izi bor,
Ko'kragingda egilgan ne boshlar izi bor,
Quyosh o'ti kuydirgan ne quyoshlar izi bor,
Sen baribir muqaddassan, muqaddas ayol.
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