sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

EDVINS RAUPS [1.280] Poeta de Letonia

Edvins Raups 

Nació en Sigulda, Letonia, en diciembre de 1962. Ha publicado los libros de poesía: 33 dzejoli (1997); Dzivodamies (1995); y Veja nav (1991). Tradujo al letón el libro Rayuela de Julio Cortázar (2001). Ha sido Editor de cultura de los periódicos Neatkariga Rita avize (1994-1996) y Neatkariga Rita avize (2001). Realizó estudios de inglés en la Universidad Estatal de Letonia y de Lengua Española en Casa de Profesores, Riga.

Poemas Inéditos en español

Una aurora alambrada

Ella poseía veintiséis veranos, un esposo
y una pandereta de plata Ella me pide
que escriba esto de la forma más simple:
su sometimiento a la tierra y al dar a luz
a las catacumbas donde el amor flota libremente
su deseo de ver en los flancos del corazón
siquiera una sombra con un rostro
humano de eternidad mas nadie ha
estado allí Su transformación nocturna en
ánfora griega luego quebrada y la ascensión de su lamento
hacia el Cielo como pequeños aretes dados por Dios
Ella desea que salude a aquella bestia
que vino del mar de las siete cabezas:
rojos labios negros ojos y un sello
en lugar del corazón Y la perdida de la memoria
y una mano de almirez de esencia de pino para detener
el llanto interior: ¡protege bajo tus alas
desvanécete en gozo! En verdad ella supone
que no hay esperanza para amar De este modo
ella permanece allí en algún lugar
así de simple.


Bestias haciendo el amor
en el desierto. La arena
incendia sus ojos. Su
el pasado perdona
todo futuro
también este momento
Qué otra cosa
radiante radiante
somos los embriones malogrados
de la Soledad
embriones mutilados
montículos mortuorios
capaces de imitar la nada


Algunos signos de vida
por todas partes Sin la asistencia
del todopoderoso Un abalorio
solitario como una gacela árabe
traiciona el corazón Centelleo blanco
caderas diseminadas sobre el paisaje
alguien desolla nuestra frente
contra la herida. Vamos prendamos fuego
a la sangre de los muertos. Soy vida
Tengo todos esos círculos alrededor de mis ojos y


permaneciendo vivo
me siento ahora ante una mesa
de rosas esparcida
observando el inmenso pezón
y sonriendo semióticamente
en el techo
escondiéndose fríamente tras tu espina
dorsal mi sombra acecha

Traducción del letón al inglés por Ieva Leshinska
y del inglés al español por Raúl Jaime

ja gals ir vidus es esmu šeit (Latvian)

ja gals ir vidus es esmu šeit Uzvāri
man kaut ko pārejošu Nekas
jau vēl nav zaudēts stalaktīta gari
un dvēseles Efemēras miesas Viss
raujas uz iekšu kā acs uz tumsu Lai top To
viņa grib mana skropsta Pat
vislielākie augstumi iziet no sliedēm
un sajauc tukši tapušās galvās
mieru ar mieru laiku ar laiku naidu
ar naidu Viss izlīdzinās līdz mēram
kas bija pirms Grimma Grāla un
sniegbaltītes Un vai tas ko tagad
tu dzirdi ir atpakaļnākošs vaids
vai griba atdalīt vēlreiz bailes no
Kolosa prieka Iziet uz ielas kā džunglim
un atkārtot pirmo rindiņu Jā
kā vienmēr no augšas uz leju ehoi!
uzvāri tagadiņ tēju es tevi vairs
nebēršu klāt Un pasaule atkal staigās

pa pāriem

Edvīns Raups // Poems/ Translated by Ieva Lešinska//Latvian Literature 3.


everything has some meaning
my joy my sorrow
my promise
a cross on the lawn of future
an airplane in the sky
a monk in his teens
a bare foot that appears in the attic window
our time that never dies
moons pigeons
a madman shoots dead her third love
cows on the road
an old woman on the bus
the horizon
straight without zigzag


a valley
is our century
a woman stands in dark glasses on a precipice
a cat in a church
the cat walks out onto the roof
the cat is shot dead
this time to the tune of bagpipes
a full moon appears
a boy and a girl escape the bullets
God catches them
a smile blood a phone call
handwriting on old parchment
handwriting and the stars
angels joining hands a valley
an adult woman
also a kiss
while I watch the patience of life


a green dictionary lemons
the queen comes out on the balcony
who will I be after I'm done writing?
to say deep into the earth
a seashore monastery
a boy opens a Bible without any text
a green dictionary lemons
you have a red bottom she says
she too
walks conversations queen
queen conversations walks
abbreviated feelings
no, there is no point in dying

then touch me here
right here Where
nothing can be undone

My mountains are higher my
abysses are deeper Metaphysically
limited I plow a field
coveted by
my heart I plow it
once more

everyone's got his mythology darling

No one doesn't return home
just like that My essence - my
limit how far I could
see if there was no heaven
blocking the view

Time ticking and time mute
heather rusty and heather dark brown

The expanse of addressing

Your dishevelled hair shake the diffraction grating
of the most important answer
while on the fingertips
of my eyes your infinity

What are you going to do I ask once more
with this sky where there is
not a single minute
not a spare hour
or losing hands

What is this broad rim
what are these longings and horizons
that so carelessly await reality
on the edge
of our bed

Then touch me here
right here Where
nothing can be undone

You always stand there
an outside
as my pores open Always
as the heartbeat remembers the splinters of chaos
back there Where you were not being
pain without flesh and longing to be seen
closer But flames walked freely through you
Nothing was your dress and blood and you called out loud
Come back Lord stand before me so
that I feel eye for eye fang for fang so
that the shadow yet again beats safely
against the ground

oh downpour
oh rain firstborn
under my skin

Then touch me here again
right here Where
nothing can be undone

Just the two of us
tainted by antinational baroque
saving our resolve
for something supernaturally simple
are pouring out our feelings


a man from the sidelines
like to sneak in between us Without
a sound getting drenched with existence
along with our ancestors after
the battle with the sun

The two of us
whose souls can't keep together
abandoned like Pope's bulls While
the cicadas are chirping of the milk
suckling piglets in faraway Jerusalem
and the crowds of daisies

right here
in the isolation cell of bishop Meinhardt's mind
across from the Daugava boulevard


do not wish to pause
having fallen with your fief
like a blossoming cluster of sky
like a Slavic Aestus
at the top of the column of heart

each grain of sand
on my bones become a plaster
of pain I am the empire
You are the fall
we belong together

a boat on a magazine cover
water flows somewhere to the side
I invent the heart of a child
our names without surnames
a boat on a magazine cover
a little girl is dancing out
Shakespeare's sonnets
her ball flew off into the sky
and she is holding a pair of tiny scissors
Your Majesty Your Majesty kiss me
on my wing

if I had fingers and a nose
if I had all that nonsense
nails lungs and a navel

even then I would be nothing more
or no more yours
than sweat and blood my love

so why do you look from the other side
as if you were dead As if I were everything

if the end is the middle I am here Cook up
something transitory for me please Nothing
has been lost the ghosts and souls
of stalactites Ephemeral flesh Everything
tends toward the inside like an eye toward the dark Let it be That's
what it wants my eyelash Even
the greatest of heights run off track
and confuse in hollow-born heads
peace with peace time with time hate
with hate Everything balances out to the measure
that was before Grimm Graal and
Snow White And is what you now
hear a returning moan
or the will to separate fear yet again from
the joy of Colossus To walk out into the street like a jungle
and repeat the first line Yes
from top to bottom as usual ahoi!
Make now some tea for me please I will stop
pouring you in for flavor And the world will once again
walk in pairs

To imagine everything
to imagine that everything is for real
My deep veins
The embrace of underground waters
dogs and hydras

tell me

about the shoulders of Atlas
under the round rib of death About what
the souls of the dead are composing
About the non-existence out there
and inside one's heart

while deep under the horizon
in a cloud
a murmur
a thrush

having forgotten her original looks
she lay in a comfortable
wrapped in lace
her elbow hollows perfect
every woman is a syllable she says
and continues pasting together her
little golem loves
loves me not

the magnet of immortality
pulls shut my eyes
the visible light punishes everyone
by turning into a Phoenix
to fly! to fly!

she repeats She who is
the down from a wing whom the medieval castle
has bestowed with its gothic window She
for whom ashes are her bed of feathers
while the present ferments and grows insufferable

That's all... if only for a minute my heart beats as if eternal!

but you laugh You
stand right in front
Lord and that's why she does not see me


2 comentarios:

  1. Buenas noches Antonio
    sí, edvins es extraordinario, lástima las pocas
    traducciones al español que he encontrado
    un abrazo
