Short bio
Born in Rahovec, South East of Kosova, in 1972. graduated at Prishtina University, Oriental Studies. M.A. in Literature. PhD in Sacral Estethics- ongoing
Actively works on Calligraphy discovering new mediums and techniques for this specific for of plastic art.
Published books:
• NUN- collection of mystical poems, 1996 author’s edition,
• INVISIBLE PLURALITY- Poetical prose, 2000, author’s edition
• NEKTARINA- Novel, Transcendental Epic, 2004, publishing House, Rozafa Prishtinë- project of Ministry of Culture Sport and Youth of Kosova
• ELEMENTAL 99- Short poetical mystical stories, 2006, Center for positive thinking, Prishinë
• KUN- collection of transcendental lyrics, 2007, Publishing House LOGOS-A, Skopje, Macedonia
Issues on papers and magazines:
The Book of Poetry E-Book in www.roninpress.org, London, UK
The book of Poetry in Nadwah Press, Hong Kong
Poetry on Magazine of Center for Humanistic studies GANI BOBI, Prishtinë
Essays on Journal “Oriental Studies”, Kosova Orientalist’s Association.
Poetry in Magazine STAV- Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Poetry in Magazine ZIVOT- Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Poetry in Magazine ULAZNICA- Zrenjanin, Vojvodina
Poetry in Magazine URRA- Tirana, Albania
Poetry in Magazine POETA- Belgrade, Serbia
Poetry in Magazine, ISTANBUL LITERARY REVIEW, Istanbul, Turkey
Poetry in Magazine, MOBIUS MAGAZINE, New York
Poetry in Magazine OBELISK, Tirana, Albania
Poetry at Sarajevske Sveske 2010, Sarajevo, Bosnia
Poetry in www.balkanwriters.com, Belgrade, Serbia
Poetry at http://www.poetasdelmundo.com/verInfo.asp?ID=6873, Santiaogo de Chile
Poetry at http://www.mediterranean.nu/?p=1794, Gotteborg, Sweden
Poetry at http://aquillrelle.com/publishingpictures.htm, Brussels, Belgium
Poetry at http://www.poemhunter.com/fahredin-shehu/, USA
Poetry at http://worldpoetssociety.ning.com/ , Athens, Greece
Poetry at http://albpoem.com/FahredinShehualbpoemcom.aspx , Albania
Poetry at http://soylesipoetrymagazine.wordpress.com/, Istanbul, Turkey
Poetry at http://albanian-orientalist.blogspot.com/2010/02/revista-ura-vjeshtedimer-2009-nr-21-3.html, Tirana, Albania
Poetry at http://uzinamarta.blogspot.com/2010/12/devires-sufi-alegre-encontro-com.html, Brasil
http://www.arabicnadwah.com/englishpoetry/fahredin_shehu.htm, Hong Kong
Poetry Romanian version http://orientul-meu.blogspot.com/2010/11/asa-grait-tamara.html, Bucharest, Romania
Poetry at http://www.agonia.net/index.php/poetry/13967502/Theophany_, Bucharest, Romania
Poetry and profile at Carty’s Poetry Journal http://www.gumtree.ie/dublin/79/70637079.html, Dublin, Ireland
Poetry at http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=42584, London
Poetry in English on The Sound of Poetry Review, Argentina http://thesoundofpoetryreview.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/fahredin-shehu-kosovar-poet/
Poetry at http://www.lepost.fr/perso/marc-galan/ http://www.lepost.fr/article/2011/02/12/2403071_poetes-d-europe-fahredin-shehu-kosovo.html, Paris, France
http://aube.blogs.dhnet.be/archive/2011/02/12/poetes-d-europe-fahredin-shehu-kosovo.html, Paris, France
Poetry at http://aube.blog.24heures.ch/archive/2011/02/12/poetes-d-europe-fahredin-shehu-kosovo.html, Zwitzerland
Poetry at Tribune de Geneve, http://marcgalan.blog.tdg.ch/, Geneve, Switzerland
Poetry and Calligraphy at World Art Friends, Portugal,
Poetry at http://www.lechasseurabstrait.com/revue/-Fahredin-SHEHU-http://www.worldartfriends.com/en/users/fahredin, Publisher, Patric Cintas, Revue d’Art, et litterature, Musique, Paris, France
Poetry at http://www.artepoetica.net/Fahredin_Shehu.pdf, Salvador
Poetry at http://www.carcinogenicpoetry.com/2011/05/fahredin-shehu-one-poem.html
Poetry at http://albumnocturno.blogspot.com/, Salvador
Articles in www.worldbulletin.com, Istanbul, Turkey
Articles in www.newropeansmagazine.com, Strasbourg, France
Books at http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Fahredin%20Shehu%22, USA
Exhibition of Calligraphies in Cairo, Egypt, 2004
Sarajevo 44th Poetry Meeting, Sarajevo 2005
Congress on 600th anniversary of the work of Abdurrahman Ibn Khaldun, Cairo, Egypt, 2006
Meeting for the ethnic minority rights, European Parliament, Bruxelles, 2006
Exhibition of paintings and calligraphies at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Cairo Egypt, 2007
Participation on the Congress on 800th anniversary of a Persian Poet RUMI, organized by
UNESCO/Albania and Saadi Shirazi Foundation, Tirana
Participation at the International conference on Islam and Balkan- Identity and building bridges, Canakkale, Turkey
Participation at 13th International Sheikh Tousi Conference, Qom, Teheran, Mashhad, Iran
Participation at Conference on Regional Cooperation, Kopaonik Serbia
Debates on national KTV, RTK, TV BESA, TV 21
Artists Profile “KULT”, “AVENY” on RTK Public Broadcaster
Interviews for all nation wide Electronic Media and Press
Translated in English, Italian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Roma, Swedish, Turkish, Arabic, Romanian
Ambassador of Poets to Albania by Poetas del Mundo, Santiago de Chile
Member of World Poets Association
Member of the Publishing and Editing Committee, at the Kosovo Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sport.
Member at the Kosovo PEN Center
Executive Director of The Center for promoting Intercultural Dialogue “OXOR”
Works in Administration of Radio Television of Kosova RTK
Introducción y traducción de Luis Benítez ©
Ampliamente conocido en Europa del Este y asimismo traducido a diversas lenguas, tanto del Viejo Mundo como de América, Fahredin Shehu es un notable exponente de la poesía contemporánea que ha merecido trasponer las fronteras de su país, Kosovo. Siendo poco difundida en nuestro medio la poesía proveniente de Europa Oriental, es interesante para el lector adentrarse en ella a través de uno de sus mejores ejemplos.
El poema seleccionado para traducirlo de su versión inglesa, titulado “Así habló Tamara”, exhibe reminiscencias de Walt Whitman –por la amplitud de su abarcamiento y el tono a veces bíblico de sus versos– que se combinan con matices de trascendentalismo sin duda provenientes de la formación universitaria de su autor, como podrán apreciar los lectores en la breve biografía que adjuntamos al texto del poema.
He pulido los ojos del niño sufriente
Eliminando las capas vaporosas de su visión
Para ver los dientes brillantes, mientras sonrío,
Y el latente y bien oculto planeta de odio en mi alma
He lavado la estratósfera de desastres
Sus padres depositados cuidadosamente en su ser
Con lágrimas de amor impregnadas
He quitado todas las membranas de espíritu contaminado
Le concedí una sonrisa a una rana
Y un beso al jade silencioso
Filtré el rocío del pétalo de la rosa blanca
Y conté los rubíes de la granada madura
He plantado todo tipo de frutas
Y creado un parque de juego para todos nosotros
Usted puede llamarlo un huerto
Usted puede llamarlo la plantación del recién nacido del amor
Pero conozco su Tachyon-IC [1] del suelo
Donde sólo el amor puede plantar su semilla
He adaptado un vestido color de esmeralda
Y lo perfumé con ámbar para que todos los niños lo usen
Le di de comer a todos los estómagos [2]
Con la luz deslumbrante de mi alma
Para hacerlos transparentes
Para que sean iluminados
He creado el ejército de la sonrisa
Y convoqué a todos los expertos para desmantelar la maquinaria de odio
En los campos de la sinfonía de la luz
En el sagrado momento de la eternidad
He abrazado a todos los niños, visibles e invisibles
Y regocijado su felicidad
He aplastado todas las armas
Que humanos y demonios han creado
Y así convertida en polvo cada una de ellas,
Una sonrisa dio a luz al amor
Notas del traductor:
[1] Teóricamente, se trata de una partícula subatómica que se mueve siempre más rápidamente que la luz.
[2] El autor dice, en el original inglés: “I feed every stomach”, lo que se puede traducir literalmente como “le di de comer a cada estómago”; mas en español esta última palabra puede sonar chocante y lejana del estilo empleado por el poeta hasta aquí. Por ello he preferido la versión presente.
Sobre el autor
Fahredin Shehu es un poeta nacido en Rahovec, al sudeste de Kosovo, en 1972. Se graduó en Estudios Orientales en Prishtina University, obtuvo un master en Literatura, y se doctoró en Estética Sacra.
Obra publicada: Nun (poemas místicos, 1996, edición del autor); Invisible plurality (poemas en prosa, 2000, edición del autor); Nektarina (novela, 2004, Ed. Rozafa Prishtinë - Project of Ministry of Culture Sport and Youth of Kosova); Elemental 99(cuentos cortos, 2006, Ed. Center for Positive Thinking, Prishinë); Kun (líricas trascendentales, 2007, Ed. Logos-A, Skopje, Macedonia); Dismantle of Hate(libro electrónico, 2010, Ronin Press, Londres) y Crystaline Echoes (poesía, edición en papel y como libro electrónico, 2011, Corpos Editora, Madeira, Portugal).
Asimismo, ha publicado sus trabajos creativos y de crítica literaria en numerosas revistas, en Hong Kong, Kosovo, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Albania, Serbia, Turquía, Estados Unidos, China, Chile, Suecia, Bélgica, Grecia, Rumania, Brasil, Irlanda, Inglaterra, Francia, Suiza, España, Noruega, Portugal y Argentina. Obras suyas fueron traducidas al inglés, francés, italiano, serbio, croata, bosnio, macedonio, rumano, sueco, turco, árabe y persa. Es miembro del Comité de Publicaciones y Edición del Ministerio de Cultura, Juventud y Deportes de Kosovo; del PEN Club Center de Kosovo y Director Ejecutivo del Centro para la Promoción del Diálogo Intercultural “OXOR”. Se desempeña en la administración de la radio y la televisión en Kosovo.
The snow in Tehran
Instead of tulip,
Heavy snowflakes are
Whitening the city and,
The eyelashes of the beauties
With the marbled headscarf
The March finds me
In the old city
Where diverse opinions are mixed
Tonight I drink the tea
Without porcelain Samovar
The sounds of Santoor are
Following the exhausted letters and
I tired of the shades of the clerics
The poet is longingly reckoning
As he wants to embrace
A bowed orphan
Till heaven
Yet few drops of pleasant
Essences remained
Before my departure
I’m keen to leave again
And I know why…?
The sorbet of the Divine
for those I met
Arbor had fear,
From a passing stranger
I fed the canary while
They sung in unison
Scared they flew away
A stranger approached me
I was about to faint
The crimson ground
Made tectonic sliding
We feared death
She lives in a distance
Yet she lives with my
Breath and the soul
Radiates in her ether
She remembers the Lilly
I brought from the garden
Of certitude, and
The roses in a blasting white
I bestow as a final touch
Where freedom smells Love
The two-sided medal
Has the love pentacle
At the abyss of the surface
I taught on Kernel of the Kernel
She prayed in the biggest Temple
In synergy with the rolling through
My burning cheek, fried
Crystal tear in nacre transformed
I evoked Salamanders
To extinguish the fire
With the fire
The crystalline cup
Of the wine, Divine to obey
My thirst
The wisdom approached in
An old fashion
The knowledge bangs
The manifestation of freedom.
The Love eternal Lady
Wowed the platinum thread
An oracle tapestry
She made
I sat there…
I felt there…
I saw there.
Those I met in
The realm of the hanged forms
I saw her dark sapphire eyes
That kept the beauty Secret
The body that sticks
All fallen stars and
The heart of her
That is a sarcophagus of
The secrets; of the chosen
Her voice is the symphony
Of the golden leaf wheat
And the hush of a Sybil
The argument written in
a forehead
Bears testimony
What the holy womb bears
The witnesses are
Two lights
The Angel of the left and the angel
Of the right shoulder
She recognizes the seal of
A prodigy’s scalp,
And double up and down turned
In my Plexus
She is not Mary
She is not Amina
She is not Bathsheba
She is in a circle of curiosity
I’m in the square of stability
Who cares for the mouth?
Of the Cantankerous
The conundrum is set Mandala
The white rose of my being
Bleeds the blue
Because I Love eternally
As a Luna full
Careless of the barking
For a quantum of a moment
I disperse in those I met
They hardly recognize
The quintessence of the “I”
They only remember
The smell of the rose
Even this is for me
A Sufficient Something
I may only rest and
Breath as infant
Marked with the seal
In his forehead
Il sorbetto della Divinità
per coloro che ho incontrato
Arbor aveva paura,
Da uno sconosciuto di passaggio
Ho dato da mangiare al canarino mentre
Cantavano all'unisono
Spaventati volarono via
Uno sconosciuto mi si avvicinò
Stavo per svenire
Il terreno cremisi
Fece slittamenti tettonici
Noi abbiamo avuto paura di morire
Essa vive lontano
Eppure lei vive col mio
Respiro e la mia anima
Si irradia nel suo spirito
Essa ricorda il giglio
Che ho portato dal giardino
Della certezza, e
Le rose di un bianco brillante
I mi do come tocco finale
Dove la libertà odora di Amore
La medaglia a due facce
Ha il pentacolo di amore
Nell’ abisso della superficie
Ho insegnato sul Kernel del Kernel
Ella ha pregato nel tempio più grande
In sinergia con il suo rotolarsi
La mia guancia ardente, ha fritto
Lacrime di cristallo trasformate in madreperla
Ho evocato Salamandre
Per spegnere il fuoco
Con il fuoco
La coppa cristallina
Del vino, Divina ad obbedire
Alla mia sete
La saggezza si è avvicinata in
Un vecchio stile
La conoscenza urta
La manifestazione di libertà.
L 'amore eterna Signora
Ha entusiasmato il filo di platino
Un arazzo di oracolo
Ha fatto
Si è seduta là ...
L’ho percepita là ...
Ho visto là.
Coloro che ho incontrato nel
Regno delle forme appese
Ho visto i suoi occhi di zaffiro scuro
Che tenevano la bellezza Segreta
Il corpo che si attacca
Tutte le stelle cadute e
Il cuore di lei
che è un sarcofago dei
Segreti, degli eletti
La sua voce è la sinfonia
Del grano dorato a foglia
E il silenzio di una Sibilla
L'argomento scritto in
Una fronte
Ne porta la testimonianza
Ciò che il santo grembo porta
I testimoni sono
Due luci
L'Angelo della sinistra e l'angelo
Della spalla destra
Lei riconosce il sigillo del
Scalpo di un prodigio,
E doppiamente su e giù capovolti
Nel mio plesso
Lei non è Maria
Lei non è Amina
Lei non è Betsabea
Lei è in un cerchio di curiosità
Sono il quadrato della stabilità
Chi si preoccupa della bocca?
Dell’ irascibile
L'enigma è impostato Mandala
La rosa bianca del mio essere
Sanguina l'azzurro
Perché Amo eternamente
Come un pieno di Luna
Incurante dei latrati
Per un quanto di un momento
Io disperdo in coloro che ho incontrato
Essi riconoscono a malapena
La quintessenza dell’ "io"
Essi si limitano a ricordare
Il profumo della rosa
Anche questo è per me
Un qualcosa che è sufficiente
Posso solo riposare e
Respirare come un bambino
Segnato con il sigillo
Sulla sua fronte
Translated by Peppino Riso
A Bystander
The wind blows the snow of the
Chestnut tiny flower
Deeps them in the heart and
Stirs the wish
The May has its imperfect stranger
Whereas the fishes in frivolity
Remind happiness
He is not a fish to know their joy
A bystander is not HE to know
What he is supposed to
The heart is missing space
It accommodates myriads of souls
In an elixir drinking ceremony
They have comprehended the value
Of mundane and sacral
They have concept the greatness
Of the tiniest life’s incidents
They are latterly the bystanders
The one alike
And we are not the fishes
We can not fail to remember
The walking in the twilight of evergreen
Pine needles beneath our bare naked feet
But the fresh verdure shines
Our souls in
The temple on the cloud
Assembled myriads
Of the thirsty souls
A Sage appeared at the lobby
Wearing a light Tunic
And the hairs wavy as flamed
Radiating tachyon- ic influence
Of Love
I play happy
A curiosity bangs the wish
The open- ear the open heart
The open all- seeing souls undresses
Their gowns
Shamelessly light bodies
Yet intoxicated
Irresponsible amidst
The crowd of jealous
Twisted around the Axe
Of the temple
We call it the heart
Primordial “I”
19 layers of textile’s mist have folded the “I”
Watching from the distance
It looks bizarrely captured
We are in exile
With love intoxicated
Humanity shall see the rainbow
We emit from all “I- s”
The primordial “I” emerged amidst the crowd of human
To articulate love
Infra mezzo and ultra visible
With the velocity of the most knowledgeable Angel
The sages named NUN and rejoice the eternity and
A day after
To transfer wisdom for the Thirsty Souls
We are the thirsty souls and
We approach humbly
The icy jet of the eternal spring
There’s only a dew of elixir in the bottom of the empty cup sleeping as lamb
Now they call it heart, I call it polluted spirit, and you may call it ruby pomegranate granules
But we the simplest so called human entities jointly may only Love and this is sufficient
To suffer for the thousand years and a day more
The one who cares not is the luckiest mundane ignorant but I’m the one alike who outpours his quintessential not knowing for whom
Not knowing for what reason a purpose never show its glamour in advance
For warning, for love or even for sake of its purest manifestation
In times when words were queued in the thread abundantly curved in bobbin from the human scalp
The necklace of verse is fading its shine no sparkling truths gurgles from its spring to obey our thirsts
We the thirsty souls for divine morsel wandering in here as the spirits of suicide victims
Empty stomachs of enfant terrible only for the grasp of the truth they never hear even as the sound of insect
Never as the sound of falling frozen spirit in jade that you may later see as the Galatea of divine maternal essence
A cornucopia of latent blessings waits
A deficit of Love outbursts proudly displaying its genitalia without a drop of shame
I wander as a working bee searching for the nectar of wisdom to feed my Queen bee
And bestow her eternal life with the royal jelly leaking elegantly from the bottom to the navel
Questions of Angeloid
Am I plain stone?
To be thrown far from the eyesight
Am I skin of the tiger
To be stepped by soulless merchant
Am I blood soaked by relative fellow?
Am I a lost tribe’s leader?
To be adored as saint
Am I lost prophet?
To be searched in caves where the Jinni settled his colony
Am I a Jurassic fossil?
To be displayed in a crystal cube
Am I a jasmine essence?
To be smelled after third millennium
Am I lost planet
The curse of mankind
Am I paradigm of goodness?
To be diminished by surrenderance
Am I perfect mischief?
To be hailed as a Gospel chant
Am I wing of purple angel
To bring you shade
While you search for knowledge
Am I supersensible tune?
To be played by enlightened heartstring
Am I aerial spirit?
To bring you storm
In a midday when the sun
Reads its quatrain
Am I a cosmic fluid?
To be dispersed as a star dust
Am I divine enough?
To rejoice for a cosmic harmony
Am I the bell from the angel’s wings?
To bell the beginning of a new prophecy
Am I a saint that shows hardly his miracle?
To be later adored as Godling
Am I pure water from the desert’s spring?
To be drunk on the moment of death
Am I death of Art?
To be reborn by Theurgy
Am I a drunken lover in Love?
To be perished in the quantum of photon
Am I stupid to reveal a new discovery?
So you may pity or
You may salute and laude
And so, and so, and so on.
Charged circle
Empty cans
No liquid evaporated
In the air full of pride
Polluted grains of soul
Lost their consistency
Pure fluids of light
Erupts as marshmallow bombs
Death squad penetrates deeply
Aiming to meet Anubis
A Tsunami whirled its wish
Passion and glutton declared independence
The dream of becoming a parallel nation
To co-habit with leukemia of creativity
A sex drive 4x4 retired
A crippled veteran of passion
Bags for the mercy of soulless utilitarian army of human entity
Better said plankton a homo-plankton of miserable creatures
Even worms and larva are disgusted by our hatred
Fecal, a skunk of fear
An eclipse of love that spans for ages
From birth to death
A spectrum displays its ripeness
Ejaculates liberty as blast
A dazzling dance of shaped and amoeboid forms of manifestation
Bitter the honey with suffer
Powder a chamomile with royal jelly and ginseng
All of sudden a wind blows
Spores of the old pines
The soul of parallel nation of Angeloid
Is striving pleasure of life?
Lives now
Perpetually woofs a rainbow muslin with the divine light
Inter-woofed dress
Newborn immaculate fellows
Oh those smell of paradise
Mint, Neroli, Oakmoss, Amber
A bouquet of divine pleasure
And Acacia kissed by a queen bee
Yes the queen of Enneagram
Of course
The work produces sweet essences
Oh Sarmouni of our Millennia
Melt the cataract-ic lance so they may see the beauty
Heal the flu so they may smell fresh ozone
A charged circle of light and love
Remove the pulp from the reed
So may divine tune perform light?
May be your torchbearer
In the dark valley and by then you may see a spectrum
That encircles an infant fear
For an eternal life
Yet I kiss that that time sequence
Where Jin and Jang harmoniously co-habit
I a Feng Shui of Love
Defragmenter of hate’s files
Zipper of dark matrixes
So you may know they do exists
So you try them in order to enjoy the sweetness of life’s honey
In this porcelain valley
Where goodness and mischief
Hand in hand are gliding furiously
Alas pure the morning with dew of love
Oxidize hate with apple vinegar
Sing to celebrate both solstices and have a cup of vine
That swoon you
That filters all starry
Cells of brain and ganglia
Perfume her navel with rosewater and kiss, kiss, kiss
Do a divine Tantra
With all visible and invisible and semi-visible spirits
Kiss topaz of her eyes
Kiss ruby of her heart
Kiss diamond of her nail
Kiss cooper of her feet ankle
Kiss jade of her bones
Kiss sapphire of her cells
And a flame-y waterfall of hair
And a silky pubic…
Oh…kiss and kiss and kiss whatever belongs to her
Make her a necklace
With your purest and noblest spermatozoids
Then call her as you wish
Wisdom, Hikkmah, Sophia
Or simply Goddess that makes you Angeloid.
Le mie piogge e i miei venti di Fahredin Shehu (traduzione di mario rigli)
by Mario Rigli on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 12:00pm
Le mie piogge e i miei venti
di Fahredin Shehu
(traduzione di mario rigli)
Le mie piogge e i miei venti
Ventosa polvere di stelle
Auguri completamente dispersi
Tu aspetti
Il sacrificio del piccione;
bianco come neon
Lei vola sopra la nostra testa
Costruisce il nido
Per la progenie della Libertà
Ti bacio nel punto
Dove la stella ha sigillato
La pelle avvolta
Per vedere l'invisibile
Il tuo vestito
Un abito pesante
Broccato in oro e platino
Mussola intrecciata con damasco
Sprigiona profumo di Oud (1)
E infonde una calda brezza orientale
Nel mio corpo occidentale
Vittima della Croce
Qualcuno vuole
Che prevalga la pace nel nostro regno
Qualcuno vuole leggere i miei scritti
Proprio come essi desiderano leggerli
Un qualcosa che vola con leggerezza
Terre davanti alle spiagge
Noi divertiti e sconcertati
Nel sopportare i passati esteriori
Silenziosi come una pietra
Eretta nella Terra di mezzo
Ogni tipo di spezie e di specie
Anche anche di pezzi e di fette (2)
Originali e mescolati
Parola per parola
Con infinita gratitudine
Calici di ambrosia
Beviamo in nome del Supremo
Stasera piogge e venti si sono calmati.
1. L'Oud è uno strumento a corde orientale. Una leggenda araba attribuisce all'oud una storia illustre, che risale alla notte dei tempi, attribuendone l'invenzione a Lamak, nipote di Adamo ed Eva. Secondo gli storici musicali, progenitori dell'oud risalgono all'antico Egitto.
2. Questi due versi: “All kinds of spices and species/Even slices and pieces” per la rima ed il gioco di parole sono di difficile resa in italiano.
Translation of the footnotes
1. The Oud is an Eastern stringed instrument. An Arab legendattaches all'oud an illustrious history, dating back to ancient times,attributing the invention to Lamak, grandson of Adam and Eve.According to historians, music, oud ancestors date back to ancient Egypt.
2. These two verses: "All kinds of spices and species / Even slicesand pieces" for the rhyme and wordplay are difficult given in Italian.
Il poeta Fahredin Shehu stesso definisce il suo modo di comporre “noetico”. La Noetica è quella psudo scienza filosofica che studia le correlazioni dell'universo della mente (coscienza, anima, spirito)e ha come oggetto di ricerca il cosiddetto "sesto senso" e un diverso rapporto al conscio.
Se si guarda l'etimologia della parola Noetica potrebbe stare anche nel senso “di Noè”, e siccome è risaputo che il grande personaggio biblico faceva uso, a volte non moderato, di vino, poesia noetica potrebbe significare anche poesia sotto i fumi dell'ebbrezza. A parte la battuta io credo che la poesia di Fahredin, più che alla Noetica si rifaccia al filone letterario e poetico del “Nonsense” cioè
espressione (parola, frase o altro) che appare priva di significato. La letteratura del nonsenso, sia poesia che prosa, si basa sull'equilibrio tra ordine e caos, tra senso compiuto e non. Spesso presenta un mondo capovolto o alterato. Presenta frequentemente, ma non sempre, una matrice umoristica, ma non è il caso di Fahredin. La correttezza formale è spesso bilanciata da un caos semantico o dai doppi significati. Secondo Wim Tigges l'effetto del nonsensi è spesso ottenuto per eccesso di significati, e non per assenza.
Per intenderci un esempio di Nonsense è la canzone “Cuccurucù paloma” di Battiato, ma anche e soprattutto Il linguaggio onirico di James Joyce nella novella Finnegans Wake e in certi passaggi di Dubliners e dell'Ulisse. Ma anche Edward Lear (1812-1888) e Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), John Lennon, Frank Zappa, Rino Gaetano e ancora giù giù Nino Frassica o la celebre “Supercazzola con scappellamento a destra come fosse Antani” degli Amici miei di Monicelli.
Google translate
The poet Fahredin Shehu himself calls his method of composition "noetic. " The Noetic is psudo philosophical science that studies the correlations of the universe of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) with the purpose of research, the so-called "sixth sense "and a different relationship to the conscious.
If you look at the etymology of the word Noetica could be also in the sense "of Noah", and since it is known that the great biblical character was used, sometimes unmoderated, wine, poetry noetic could mean in the fumes of poetry 'intoxication. Apart from the jokeI think that the poetry of Fahredin, rather than to remake theNoetica is poetic and literary tradition "nonsense" that is
expression (word, phrase or other) is meaningless. The literatureof nonsense, both poetry and prose, is based on the balancebetween order and chaos, between sense and not completed.Often presents a world turned upside down or altered. Frequently occurs, but not always, an array humorous, but it is not the caseFahredin. The formal correctness is often balanced by a semanticchaos or double meanings. According to Wim Tigges the effect ofnonsense is often obtained through an excess of meanings, andnot by their absence.
Just consider one example of Nonsense is the song "Cuccurucùpaloma" beating, but also and above all the dream language ofJames Joyce in the novel Finnegans Wake, and in somepassages of Dubliners and Ulysses. But Edward Lear (1812-1888) and Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), John Lennon, Frank Zappa,Rino Gaetano Nino Frassica down and down again or the famous"Supercazzola with scappellamento Antani was right as" theFriends of my Monicelli .
Eleonora Becelli beautiful lyrics ... full of meaning, metaphorSEEMS TO ME .... CONGRATULATIONS TO THE POETFABREDIN, THANK YOU PRECIOUS MARIO A SPECIALthanksgiving,, YOU ARE THE NUMBER ONE MY FRIEND .... ♥
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